Calculator in Beta

  1. This calculator tries to find out number of 20MHz cells needed to cater for provided experience and number of users
  2. It uses typical values of RRC Average users to total users, Downlink max active users to RRC average users and UL activity factor
  3. Typical traffic models are available based on multiple operators from several countries as well (Traffic Model parameters)
  4. For Downlink/Uplink Activity factor, the provided models used Maximum Downlink Active users over Average RRC Users.
  5. Due to above, this tool will try to provide the Needed experience to Peak usage and not Average usage. Hence it will ask for more resources than average dimensioning

This is not a simulation and hence does not take into account the impact of poor planning or SINR reducing the capacity.

Mega Event Dimensioning

Design Inputs

Enter Desired Mbps/User Here
Traffic Model Parameters

Output will appear here